Star Wars Battle Grounds Win = Skywalker Lose = Tarkin 1000 ore = forceore 1000 food
= forcefood 1000 nova = forcenova 1000 carbon = forcecarbon seen everything = forceexplore see every thing
seen = forcesight (both to see every thing) free powerfull boat (trainer only) = forceboat Simon the killer Ewok
= simonsays (a really powerfull Ewok unit that really kick butt) Darkside ("then a # 1-8) = destroys the civilization
which corresponds to that #.
scaryneighbor=a really powerfull boat (must be invoked over watter, and is a really funny unit icon)
for a REALLY POWERFULL death Star (CC only) = that's no moon
for the tantive IV "rebel blokade runner" (CC only) = Tantive IV
for a star destroyer (CC only) = Imperial Entanglements
p.s. CC mean Clone Campains expainsion pack
This here is a editor for Starwars Rebellion. We dont remember where we got it but it works pretty well. We hope
it works well on your computer. You can edit every thing from ship statistics to who can build them. As well you
can edit characters and all other units. There is a button for help but we guess the help file wasnt in the zip fill that
we got, but it is still quite self explanatory. Have fun using it.
Starcraft (hit enter and type in text and hit enter again to enable) invinsible = power overwhelming need no support
= food for thought (no pylons, supply depoes, etc...) 10k ore and gas = show me the money see all of map =
black sheep wall very fast build = operation CWAL
Star Trek Elite Force The only ones you need hit the "~" key then type god = god mode (invinsible)
give all = give all weapons and health
Age Of Empires 2 (+plus conquers campains)
cheese steak jimmy's = 1000 food
rock on = 1000 stone
robin hood = 1000 gold
lumberjack = 1000 wood
how do you turn this on = a really fast car (a cobra) with 2 machine guns (in other words a really
fast and deadly unit)
aegis = fast building
marco = see all of map
polo = no shadows